Monday, August 31, 2009

mad lib

you owe me SO BAD :O

Today the Chicago (plural noun) anounced the signing of their number-one draft (noun) to a million-dollar (noun). (Person) was the highest-scoring (noun) ever to play for a/an (adj) basketball team. In a/an (adj) interview at his parents' (noun) this morning, America's most recent (adj) millionaire had this to say, "(exclamation)! I only hope I can keep my (part of the body) screwed on straight." He threw his (adj) arms around his folks' (plural noun), nearly (verb ending in "ing") the (noun) out of them.

1 comment:

FamilyFriendsFortitude said...

I still owe you NOTHING! =O

Today the Chicago pickles anounced the signing of their number-one draft human to a million-dollar debt. Kipper was the highest-scoring cat ever to play for a/an terrible basketball team. In a/an wonderful interview at his parents' house this morning, America's most recent cruel millionaire had this to say, "Odoh! I only hope I can keep my eye screwed on straight." He threw his short arms around his folks' necks, nearly breaking the lung out of them.