Monday, August 31, 2009


Here are some (adj) suggestions to help improve your tennis (noun)

1. As you bounce your (noun), imagine where you want it ot land. Keep this image (adverb) in your (part of the body.)
2. By bending your (part of hte body (plural), you are able to push off the (noun) and put more of your (noun) into your (adj) serve.
3. Remember, if you have relaxed and (adj) muscles, you can let your (part of hte body) snap like a/an (noun) and serve a/an (noun).

If you follow this (adj) advice, in no time you can be a Wimbledon (noun).

1 comment:

FamilyFriendsFortitude said...

Here are some terrible suggestions to help improve your tennis racket.

1. As you bounce your toe, imagine where you want it ot land. Keep this image boldly in your nose.
2. By bending your toes, you are able to push off the envelope and put more of your apples into your shiny serve.
3. Remember, if you have relaxed and horrible muscles, you can let your ear snap like a/an car and serve a/an grape.

If you follow this wonderful advice, in no time you can be a Wimbledon noob.