Monday, August 31, 2009

Mad Lib

you owe me big time! >:(

To be read enthusiastically:
Hi! This is ________(person), speaking to you from the broadcasting ________(noun) at the ___________(adjective) forum. In case you ________(verb, past tense) in late, the score between the Los Angeles _______(plural noun) and the Boston __________(plural noun) is a squeaker, 141 to ____(number). This has been the most _______(adjective) game these ________(adjective) eyes have seen in years. First, one team scores a _____(noun), then _____(exclamation)!--the other team comes right back. Okay. Time-out is over. Los Angeles brings in the ball at mid-_____(noun). _______(another person) dribbles down the ____(noun), fakes the defender out of his ____(noun) and shoots a ____(number)-handed shot. It goes right through the ____(noun). He beat the _____(noun)! The game is over just as the _____(noun) goes off.


FamilyFriendsFortitude said...
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FamilyFriendsFortitude said...

psshhhh I owe you NOTHING! >:)
oops made a mistake

Hi! This is Mr.Potatohead, speaking to you from the broadcasting zombie at the small forum. In case you tripped in late, the score between the Los Angeles zombies and the Boston pumpkins is a squeaker, 141 to 9817383.43248765. This has been the most weird game these googly eyes have seen in the years. First, one team scores a lemon, then BOO! the other team comes right back. Okay. Time-out is over. Los Angeles brings in the ball at mid-tea. Mr.Tomatohead dribbles down the cotton, fakes the defender out of his tooth and shoots a 91 handed shot. It goes right through the cardboard wall. He beat the zombie! The game is over just as the firealarm goes off.

rare.delight said...

To be read enthusiastically:
Hi! This is Tiffany, speaking to you from the broadcasting air conditioning at the hungry forum. In case you burped, in late, the score between the Los Angeles Flies and the Boston Doraemon is a squeaker, 141 to 253725. This has been the most boring game these evil eyes have seen in years. First, one team scores a marshmallow, then FOOOOOOOOOM!--the other team comes right back. Okay. Time-out is over. Los Angeles brings in the ball at mid-piano. Kipper dribbles down the pen, fakes the defender out of his pillow and shoots a 2352-handed shot. It goes right through the computer. He beat the lamp! The game is over just as the cello goes off.