Monday, August 4, 2008

:D (cont.)

Here's the list, jot down some words and then connect them with the passage below! Don't look at it yet just put down what it tells you to:
Person #1 Verb Noun Noise Noun Noun Person #2 he/she verb his/her adjective
adjective noun verb he/she noun Person #1 Person #2 Person #1 He/she noun
Verb Repeat previous noun Person #1 Noun Person #2 his/her noun Person #2
Repeat previous noun noun Person #1 Person #2 Noun

______(Person #1) _______(verb) down the _______(noun). "______(Noise)" went the _____(noun) "What in the ______(noun) was that?" said _______(P #2), (he/she) _______(verb) on (his/her)'s ______(adjective) _______(another adjective)'s ______(noun) and _____(verb) off to capture the burglar. (He/she) caught sight of a dead _____(noun), who did this? Nobody will know, but ______(P#1) will! Suddenly ______(P#2) appeared in _____(P#1's) vision, oh no! (He/she) had a _____(noun) as hostage!

"Don't _____(verb) or the _______(noun that was hostage) gets it!" cried (P#1) "Drop that _____ (noun) and step back!" Having no choice, (P#2) dropped (his/her)'s ______(noun) and ____(verb) toward (P#1)! "GIVE ME _______(noun) OR GIVE ME ______(noun)!" yelled (P#2) "AHHHH!" cried (P#1) as (he/she) ran for (his/her) life, "DON'T TAKE MY ______(noun)!" (P#2) took his ______(repeat noun) and threw it in the _______(noun) "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" yelled (P#1) and (P#2) threw him into the _______(noun) and saved the day!


FamilyFriendsFortitude said...

pillow man ran house hehaheha tree rock mug he jumped his fat weird boulder attack he shelf pillow man mug pillow man he book smack book pillow man pebble mug his nail clipper mug book ruler pillow man mug chapstick.

Pillow Man ran down the house. "hehahehahe" went the tree "What in the rock was that?" said Mug, he jumped on his fat weird boulder and attacked off to capture the burglar. He caught sight of a dead shelf, who did this? nobody will know but pillow man will! suddenly mug appeared in pillow man's vision, oh no! HE had a book as hostage!

Dont smack or the book gets it! cried pillow man "drop that pebble and step back! having no choice, mug dropped his nail clipper and died toward pillow man! "GIVE ME BOOK OR GIVE ME RULER!" yelled mug. "AHHHH!" cried pillow man as he ran for his life, "DONT TAKE MY CHAPSTICK!" Mug took his chapstick and threw it in the clock. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO weeeee" yelled pillow man and mug threw him into the lamp and saved the day!

rare.delight said...

Edward licked down the clock. “WHEEEEEEE!” went the history book. "What in the pencil was that?" said Katherine, as she danced on her awesome evil mouse and exploded off to capture the burglar. She caught sight of a dead telephone, who did this? Nobody will know, but Katherine will! Suddenly Edward appeared in Katherine’s vision, oh no! He had a broccoli as hostage!

"Don't eat or the broccoli gets it!" cried Edward, "Drop that gum and step back!" Having no choice, Katherine dropped her gum and sleep-walked toward Edward! "GIVE ME SCISSORS OR GIVE ME COMPASSES!” yelled Katherine "AHHHH!" cried Edward as he ran for his life, "DON'T TAKE MY GUMMYBEARS!” Katherine took his gummybears and threw it in the fan. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" yelled Edward and Katherine threw him into the trashcan and saved the day!

Em said...

George Bush tickled down the doll. "Pshaw" went the camera. "What in the daisy was that?" said Elmo, and he put his runny yellow potato split off the capture the burglar. He caught sight of the dead cat, who did this? Nobody will know, but George Bush will! Suddenly Elmo appeared in George Bush's vision, oh no! He had an ice cream as hostage!

"Don't play or the ice cream gets it!" cried George Bush, "Drop that polka dot and step back!" Having no choice, Elmo dropped his polka dot and slept toward George! "GIVE ME STRIPE, OR GIVE MY TENT!" yelled Elmo. "AHHHH!" cried George Bush, as he ran for his life, "DON'T TAKE MY PUMP!" Elmo took his polka dot and threw it in the book.
yelled George Bush and Elmo threw him into the toilet and saved the day!