Wednesday, March 18, 2009

giant hiaku

updating the website (COUGH COUGH jkjk haha) hmmm im bored...that reminds me of megans haiku phase....woohoo! giant poetry time!

This is very dull
I wonder what I should post
I have no idea

Let me think deeply
I will make a Mad Lib now
Wait no never mind

I am very bored
Haikus are about nature
This is not nature

Ok, this is weird
I will stop doing haikus
What should I do now?

Oh yeah, Mad Libs right?
Let me think of a topic
Probably random

Check for my Mad Lib
For it will come very soon
Or maybe it won't


FamilyFriendsFortitude said...

it's about time u updated >:( lol

rare.delight said...

lol woah "snickerdoodles" haha! =D
yep its about time =)